StreamTube - Video Streaming WordPress Theme

[StreamTube] Dokan - WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace.

Dokan - Multivendor plugin has been integrated Since since StreamTube 3.0.10 and StreamTube Core 3.1.1

After activating the plugins, you will gain access to the powerful features of Dokan, WooCommerce, and StreamTube, enabling you to effectively manage multiple sellers and maximize profits from the sale of video content and WooCommerce products.

  1. Activate Plugin
  2. Configure Plugin
  3. Additional Options
  4. Sidebar
  5. Become Seller
  6. Update Permalinks
  7. Deprecated Pages

Activate Dokan

Dokan is available for free download at

WooCommerce is required to ensure that Dokan functions as intended

Dokan is a freemium plugin, and for the purposes of this documentation, its lite version is deemed sufficient.

Configure Plugin

All available Dokan configurations can be found at

Avoid enabling the "Order Status Change" option, as it allows sellers to change the order status and control their own orders

Changing the "Vendor Store URL" to another slug is required to avoid conflicts with the default WordPress Author template. For example, you could use "my-store" instead.

Additional Options

Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Theme Options > WooCommerce

Below is a sample of the Become Seller Rules content. You are free to write your own rules. However, if you would like a general set of rules, the following should suffice. It's your move.

If you plan to display the rules, it's important to include the [become_seller_apply_form] shortcode.

By applying to become a seller on our platform, you agree to abide by the following terms:
Application Process:
You must submit a seller application through the designated form on our website.
We reserve the right to review and evaluate all applications at our discretion.
Approval of your seller application is subject to our review process.
We may request additional information or documentation to verify your identity or business credentials.
Seller Privileges:
Upon approval, you will gain access to seller privileges on our platform.
You will be able to create and manage product listings, process orders, and communicate with customers.
As a seller, you are responsible for the accuracy and legality of your product listings.
You must comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the sale of goods or services.
Fees and Commissions:
You may be subject to fees and commissions for selling on our platform, as outlined in our fee schedule.
By becoming a seller, you agree to pay all applicable fees and commissions.
We reserve the right to terminate your seller account at any time for violation of our terms or policies.
In the event of termination, you will no longer have access to seller privileges on our platform.
By submitting a seller application, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to abide by these terms. We reserve the right to update or modify these terms at any time without prior notice.

When Dokan is activated, it introduces a new sidebar named "Dokan Store Sidebar". The sidebar is positioned on the right side of the Single User Store page.

Become Seller

Regular users will have the option to become a seller by clicking the "Become Seller" link and following the provided steps.

After activating and setting up the plugins , navigate to Settings > Permalinks and click Save Changes button.

Deprecated Pages