
[StreamTube] Shortcodes


Generate post grid content similar to the '[StreamTube] Post List" widget.


All parameters can be combined. For instance, you can display 10 videos and blog posts with post statuses set to both "publish" and "private"

[post_grid post_type="video, post" post_status="publish, private" posts_per_page="10"]

post_type: accepts a string with post type(s) separated by commas, for example:

[post_grid post_type="video"]
[post_grid post_type="post"]
[post_grid post_type="video, post, custom_post_type_slug"]

post_status: accepts a string with post status(es) separated by commas, for example:

[post_grid post_status="publish"]
[post_grid post_status="publish, private"]
[post_grid post_status="publish, pending, private"]

author__in: accepts a string with author ID(s) separated by commas, for example:

[post_grid author__in="1"]
[post_grid author__in="1,2,3"]

author__not_in: accepts a string with author ID(s) separated by commas, for example:

[post_grid author__in="1"]
[post_grid author__in="1,2,3"]

role__in: accepts a string with roles ID(s) separated by commas, for example:

[post_grid role__in="administrator"]
[post_grid role__in="administrator, editor, author"]

role__not_in: accepts a string with roles ID(s) separated by commas, for example:

[post_grid role__in="administrator"]
[post_grid role__in="administrator, editor, author"]

post__in: accepts a string with post ID(s) separated by commas, for example:

[post_grid post__in="1"]
[post_grid post__in="1,2,3,4"]

post__not_in: accepts a string with post ID(s) separated by commas, for example:

[post_grid post__not_in="1"]
[post_grid post__not_in="1,2,3,4"]

posts_per_page: limits the number of displayed posts, for example:

[post_grid posts_per_page="12"]

col, col_sm, col_md, col_lg, col_xl, col_xxl: number of displayed columns, for example:

[post_grid col="1" col_sm="2" col_md="2" col_lg="4" col_xl="4" col_xxl="6"]

tax_query_{taxonomy}: accepts a string with term slug(s) separated by commas, for example:

// Displays posts from "Music" term of video category taxonomy
[post_grid tax_query_categories="music"]
// Displays posts from "Music" and "Sports" terms of video category taxonomy
[post_grid tax_query_categories="music,sports"]
// Displays posts from "tag1", "tag1" and "tag3" terms of video tag taxonomy
[post_grid tax_query_video_tag="tag1,tag2,tag3"]
// Displays posts from "category_slug1", "category_slug2" and "category_slug3" terms of blog category taxonomy
[post_grid tax_query_category="category_slug1,category_slug2,category_slug3"]
// Displays posts from "tag1", "tag1" and "tag3" terms of blog tag taxonomy
[post_grid tax_query_video_tag="tag1,tag2,tag3"]

show_post_date: Specify whether to display the post date, for example:

[post_grid show_post_date=""]
[post_grid show_post_date="diff"]
[post_grid show_post_date="normal"]

show_post_comment: display comment count, for example:

[post_grid show_post_comment="1"]

show_author_name: display post author name, for example:

[post_grid show_author_name="1"]

author_avatar: display author avatar, for example:

[post_grid author_avatar="1"]

avatar_size: author avatar size, for example:

// sm, md, lg
[post_grid avatar_size="sm"]

show_post_view: display post view count, for example:

[post_grid show_post_view="1"]

post_excerpt_length: display post excerpt, acceps a number, for example:

[post_grid post_excerpt_length="20"]

hide_thumbnail: hide post thumbnail, for example:

[post_grid hide_thumbnail="1"]

hide_empty_thumbnail: do not display empty thumbnail posts, for example:

[post_grid hide_empty_thumbnail="1"]

thumbnail_size: thumbnail image size, for example:

// thumbnail, medium, large, full, streamtube-image-medium or any defined size.
[post_grid thumbnail_size="large"]

thumbnail_ratio: aspect ratio, for example:

// 1x1, 2x3, 16x9, 9x16, 21x9
[post_grid thumbnail_ratio="16x9"]

pagination: display pagination, for example:

// scroll, number
[post_grid pagination="click"]

slide: display slider, for example:

[post_grid slide="1"]

slide_rows: number of slide row, for example:

[post_grid slide_rows="2"]

slide_dots: display the slide dots, for example:

[post_grid slide_dots="1"]

slide_arrows: display the slide arrows, for example:

[post_grid slide_arrows="1"]

slide_infinite: sliding infinite , for example:

[post_grid slide_infinite="1"]

slide_speed: sliding speed, for example:

[post_grid slide_speed="2000"]

slide_autoplay: auto sliding, for example:

[post_grid slide_autoplay="1"]


[post_grid slide_autoplay="2000"]

hide_if_empty: don't generate any html tag if no posts were found, for example:

[post_grid hide_if_empty="1"]