
[StreamTube] Translation

StreamTube supports multi-language, you can translate it in your language by step by step as below, so easy.

Option 1: Using Poedit Software

  1. Download Poedit (Windows & Mac versions available) & install it on your computer
  2. Start the software and click on the “Open” button
  3. Browse to wp-content/themes/streamtube/languages/ directory.
  4. Open the file streamtube.pot
  5. Translate each line using the Translation box
  6. Save the translated file and name it as follows: code_COUNTRYCODE (eg. en_GB.po / fr_FR.po … for more info, pls visit http://codex.wordpress.org/Translating_WordPress)
  7. 2 files will be created: 1 .po file and 1 .mo file
  8. Copy those 2 files in wp-content/themes/streamtube/languages/ folder.
  9. Go to Settings > General, choose your language in Site Language dropdown field, click on “Save Changes” button.

Option 2: Using Loco Translate Plugin (Recommended)

The Loco Translate plugin is easy and free for downloading from WordPress Plugin repository