[StreamTube] Live Chat and Private Messages
Activate the Better Messages Plugin
After activating the plugin, navigate to Better Messages from your WordPress admin dashboard, you may Configure options as you needed.
*** Do not select the page for Better Messages Location dropdown field since it is integrated automatically to the user dashboard page, you may omit its warning notification.
Enable Live Chat From Backend
Navigate to Videos > add new or edit an existing video and check on Enable Live Chat checkbox and remember to save changes
Enable Live Chat From Frontend
Edit an existing video from Frontend, swich to Live Chat tab and check on Enable Live Chat checkbox and remember to save changes
Enable Private Messages
Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Theme Options > Better Messages section and check the Private Messages checkbox, the option is enabled by default
BuddyPress Profile Slug
Refer to [StreamTube] buddyPress (Activity Stream, Notifications, User Groups, Friend Connections ... etc)
If BuddyPress is activated, it's recommended to change the "bp-messages" to "dashboard/messages" as the following screenshot