
[StreamTube] Installation

While uploading and activating the theme and plugins, you may encounter the "Incompatible Archive" error. This issue occurs within WordPress Core itself and has been discussed at https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/60398

In such cases, we recommend activating the "Force PclZip" plugin to temporarily circumvent the problem https://github.com/aaronjorbin/force-pclzip/releases/tag/0.1

WordPress supports many PHP versions, but StreamTube recommends running PHP 8.0 or higher for the best performance. WordPress.org also recommends that your host supports PHP 7.4 or greater. Here are some recommended PHP settings

upload_max_filesize: 32M or lower
post_max_size: 48M or lower
memory_limit: 256M or higher, or 512M
max_execution_time: 600 or lower
max_input_vars: 1000 or lower
max_input_time: 400 or lower

Install Parent Theme

Step 1. Log in to your Themeforest account, navigate to your Downloads tab and locate your StreamTube purchase.

Step 2. Click the Download button and choose to either download the Installable WordPress file only, which is just the streamtube.zip file or choose to download All Files & Documentation which is the full StreamTube package.

Step 3. After downloading the files, you need to decide if you want to upload the theme files via FTP or WordPress. For instructions on both methods, please continue reading below.

1. Upload Theme using FTP

Log into your server using FTP and navigate to the wp-content/themes folder.

Extract streamtube.zip file and upload the extracted folders to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.

2. Upload Theme using WordPress dashboard

Navigate to Apperance > Themes > Add New

Click Upload Theme and select streamtube.zip file, press the Install Now button to upload the theme.

After uploading the theme, you have to activate it. Navigate to Appearence -> Themes page to activate the theme.

Install Child Theme

It's recommended to upload and activate the "streamtube-child.zip" after activating the "streamtube.zip" file. Activating the child theme follows the same approach as the parent theme.